Version 2.0
Owner's Manual
Thank you for purchasing BulkRename!
If you have any questions, just send us an email to [email protected]!
For more information, please visit our website at dyonity.com.


To access the tool, select the objects you want to rename (this includes scene objects and assets from the project browser) and use the Edit › Rename menu entry or the shortcut CTRL F2 on Windows or ALT CMD R if you‘re on a Mac.

If you are already using the Unity 2018.3 Beta, this shortcut will not work when you have a single object selected.

To customize the shortcut, or if another tool already uses the default combination, please open the settings through the Unity Preferences › BulkRename. You will be prompted with the custom shortcut / hotkey options. Any changes need to be saved as this updates and recompiles a script with the modified keystroke. If the shortcut is not working, it may be occupied by your operating system or Unity itself, in that case please try a different combination.

If you are upgrading from Version 1.x, your custom shortcut will have to be reconfigured.

The Rename Window

The tool is divided into three main sections: the selection table, rename options and an asset preview. Above and below you will find a tool and an action bar.

Top Toolbar

In addition to buttons to expand or collapse all sections within each view, you will find a dropdown with actions. For the rename table this is a global Sort, for the sidebar this is for saving and applying Presets.

Bottom Actionbar

The Refresh button updates your selection. Use Add if you want to keep the window open while adding to your selection. To reset the options, use Value to only reset your settings or All to reset all renamers. If you’re happy, hit the Rename button to apply your changes.

Selection Table

The selection table is divided into different categories that depend on what your selection contains. Each entry has a small icon preview that shows its content (textures show their real image), followed by their original name and a preview of their future name after confirmation of the rename process.

A click on the minus sign deletes an entry (or a whole category) that should not be renamed. However, bringing back a selection (if you clicked on it by accident), is only possible by a full selection refresh (see above) - there's no undo.

Left clicking on an entry will select it and show a small asset preview, listing both the path to the asset and labels (if any). This is not applicable to GameObjects. A right click on an entry will ping the object in the editor in case you would like to know where it came from.

You can also navigate around the table using your arrow keys (UP and DOWN). To delete an entry you can use either DELETE or BACKSPACE.

It is also possible to sort the list in a natural, alphanumeric fashion (both ascending and descending) and either based on the original or new name. GameObjects can also be sorted by their Scene Hierarchy Order.

Numbering GameObjects sorted by hierarchy will number them as you see them listed in the hierarchy window - and not all roots/parents first, then their children.

Rename Options

In addition to being able to toggle a renamer to skip its execution, you can also click the eye icon to see the rename process up to that point (useful for when you want to pin down some errors in the process). The up and down arrow keys allow you to rearrange the stack. Just like in the selection view, a click on the minus button removes the renamer. When clicking the minus sign right next to the Renamers title, it will clear the whole stack instead.

Most of the renamers are widely known and straightforward, with advanced options included.

Post-Processors 2

After a successful rename operation, post-processors can run additional actions, that might help you in your everyday workflow.

Clipboard Processor

This tool automatically copies generated code to your clipboard after renaming your objects. Even though you should rarely need it, this comes in very handy if you tend to use GameObject.Find.

Presets 2

Version 2 introduced a new ScriptableObject-based Preset system. It is now possible to not just create presets for the whole stack, but also for individual renamers and post-processors.

As this system leverages internal Unity APIs, you can easily add your presets to your project's VCS (like Git, Perforce or Unity Collaborate) and improve the workflow for your whole team.

Presets can also be created from inside your Project window using the Create › BulkRename submenu. Therein you will find an item for every renamer and post-processor.

Quick Rename 2

If you have saved your rename options as a preset, you can easily apply it to your selection by using the Edit › Quick Rename menu. This will open up a single preset picking dialog that auto-applies your settings on either a double click or pressing enter.

Developer API 2

In case you are missing a rename action, or a post-processor, our API can be leveraged to extend BulkRename. Simply have a look at the following three classes and our own implementations: